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About Us

Making more time and space for priceless memories

Packd was founded in 2021, but the notion of finding an easier way to travel had been spinning around in founder Lauren's head for years. Back in the summer of 2010, armed with a fistful of cashed-in savings bonds and a small student loan, Lauren traveled to the Mediterranean through a program called Semester at Sea. 

Returning from that voyage 66 days later, she found herself kneeling on the floor of a busy airport, rearranging items between two suitcases so they would each weigh under 50 pounds. She also had to purchase an extra duffle bag to accommodate two months’ worth of souvenir purchases. 

Fast forward to 2018, when new-mom Lauren and her husband went to Thailand with their 10-month-old daughter. Packing up all the extra gear necessary to travel with a baby was an art form unto itself, but lugging it through the airport on the way home was almost unthinkable. The frustrated mom recalls thinking,  "I wish I could just ship all this home."

An idea was born and she couldn't shake the thought. 

Thus began several years of investigation, experimentation, casual brainstorming, some doubts, some inspirations, more doubts and finally, a potential solution. Packd was born.

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But Lauren is way too social to be working on Packd alone. She tricked her friend Maria into joining her in 2022, and the two have been growing Packd ever since.

Lauren and Maria each have two kids, and their families often travel together. Between their group of girlfriends, work, and a shared passion for advocating for access to childcare in their community, they have at least four group chats going at any given time.

Together they continue to help other travel-lovers lighten their load and free-up space in their luggage to pack and enjoy more memories.

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Each Packd bag is . . .

  • pre-labeled & pre-paid

    All you have to do is fill it, drop it off at the front desk or schedule a pick-up, and go back to enjoying your vacation. You don't even need to tell us where you're going: since it's pre-labeled to your home, you can take it with you anywhere in the US.

  • able to hold up to 10lbs

    Each bag holds up to ten pounds of cloth items, and we promise it's more than you need. So fill 'em up - they can handle it! (Things that are 10 lbs: a bowling ball, a large watermelon, an adult cat)

  • 100% recyclable

    Packd bags are made by EcoEnclose, a US-based company that prides itself on making "the world's most eco friendly shipping supplies." Each bag is made of 100% recycled materials.

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Our impact

5% donated for every bag purchased

5% donated for every bag purchased

For every bag purchased, Packd donates 5% of the proceeds to Polaris Project to end sex and labor trafficking and to restore freedom to victims and survivors.

Be good to the planet while you travel

Be good to the planet while you travel

We know that our Packd service is a convenience not everyone can enjoy. We only partner with companies that are dedicated to social, environmental, and economic change, so that your travel can benefit others.

Tag us for 10% off

Tag us for 10% off

Everything you get from Packd is recyclable. Tag us in a pic of you recycling your used mailer bag, and we will give you 10% off your next one.

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